How to Use ManyChat to Grow Your Leads and Engagement

The ultimate guide to maximize your results.

May 27, 2024

👋 Welcome to this week’s Creator’s Newsletter!

My goal is always to help you grow your income through the power of social media.

Listen, in today's digital world, if you’re not using automation to nurture your leads and engage with your community, you're basically playing yourself. 🙅‍♀️

ManyChat is straight-up FIRE 🔥 - it's this chatbot platform that lets you create personalized, interactive experiences on Instagram, Facebook Messenger, SMS, and email.

I don't care if you're trying to stack leads, boost sales, deliver resources, or give your customers that VIP treatment - ManyChat lets you do it all without breaking a sweat. 😎 

In this guide, we're about to go HAM on setting up your ManyChat account, crafting chatbot flows that convert, growing your email list like a boss, and so much more. 📈💸

By the time we're done, you'll be a ManyChat wizard, ready to take your lead gen and engagement to a whole other level. 🧙‍♀️

It's time to dive in! 💰💸

Part 1: Setting Up Your ManyChat Account

1. Creating an Account:

  • Head over to and click on the "Sign Up Free" button.

  • You can either sign up using your Facebook account for a quick and easy setup, or manually enter your name, email, and password.

  • Once you're logged in, you'll be taken to your ManyChat dashboard.

2. Connecting Your Social Media Channels:

  • To start utilizing ManyChat's powerful automation features, you'll need to integrate your social media channels. Let's begin with Instagram.

  • In the left sidebar, click on "Settings" and then navigate to the "Channels" tab.

  • Under the Instagram section, click on "Connect Instagram Account".

  • A pop-up window will appear, prompting you to log in to your Instagram account and grant ManyChat the necessary permissions. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the integration.

  • Repeat this process for any other channels you wish to use, such as Facebook Messenger or SMS.

3. Exploring the Dashboard:

  • Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the ManyChat dashboard.

  • The main menu on the left allows you to access various sections, including your Audience, Flows, Broadcasting, and Analytics.

  • The "Automation" tab is where you'll spend most of your time, as it's the hub for creating and managing your chatbot flows.

  • The "Flows" page displays a list of all your existing flows, organized into folders for easy navigation.

  • To create a new flow, simply click on the "New Flow" button in the top right corner.

Part 2: Creating a Simple Keyword Automation

1. Setting Up a New Trigger:

  • From the Automation tab, click on "New Flow" and select "Build From Scratch".

  • Click on the "Trigger" button to define what will initiate your chatbot flow.

  • For this example, we'll choose "Instagram" as the trigger type and then select "User comments on your post or reel".

  • If you're on the free plan, you'll need to specify the exact post or reel where the trigger will be active. Pro plan users can set the trigger to fire on any post or reel.

2. Defining the Trigger Keyword:

  • In the "Comments that contain" field, enter the specific keyword that users must include in their comment to activate the chatbot.

  • Choose a unique and easy-to-remember keyword that aligns with your campaign or offer, such as "FREEGUIDE" or "DISCOUNT20".

  • To account for potential typos or variations, you can add multiple keywords separated by commas.

  • Consider avoiding generic words that people might use in regular conversation, as this could trigger the chatbot unintentionally.

3. Crafting the Auto-Response:

  • Toggle on the "Public auto response in feed" option to have ManyChat automatically reply to the user's comment.

  • This helps create a seamless experience for the user and ensures they know their request has been received.

  • Write a short and friendly auto-response, such as "Thanks for your interest! Check your DMs for the guide."

  • You can add multiple variations of the auto-response to keep things fresh and dynamic.

4. Building the Chat Message:

  • In the Flow Builder, drag and drop the "Send Message" widget onto the canvas.

  • Click on the widget to customize the message that will be sent to the user's Instagram DMs.

  • Begin with a personalized greeting and reiterate what the user requested, e.g., "Hi [First Name]! Thanks for requesting our free Instagram growth guide."

  • Keep the message concise and to the point, aiming for no more than 2-3 short sentences.

  • Maintain transparency by mentioning that the message is automated, e.g., "Our chatbot, Instabot, will now guide you through the process."

  • Include a clear call-to-action button that directs users to the resource they requested, such as "Download Guide Now".

  • Ensure that the button link is properly formatted and leads to the correct landing page or file.

5. Testing and Publishing:

  • Before making your flow live, it's crucial to thoroughly test it to ensure a smooth user experience.

  • Use a secondary Instagram account or ask a team member to comment the trigger keyword on the designated post or reel.

  • Verify that the auto-response is generated correctly and that the DM is delivered with the proper information and link.

  • If everything functions as intended, click the "Publish" button to activate your flow.

  • Remember to regularly monitor your flows and make necessary adjustments based on user feedback and performance metrics.

Part 3: Building Complex Customer Journey Flows

1. Mapping Out the Customer Journey:

  • For more advanced use cases, such as product launches or promotions, you can create intricate flows that guide users through a tailored journey.

  • Begin by mapping out the key touchpoints and decision points in the customer journey.

  • Consider the information users will need at each stage, such as product details, pricing, FAQs, or testimonials.

  • Identify potential objections or questions that may arise and plan accordingly.

2. Creating the Main Flow:

  • Set up the initial trigger for the flow, such as commenting a specific keyword on a post or reel.

  • After the welcome message, present users with a series of options or buttons to guide their journey.

  • For example, you might offer buttons like "Learn More", "See Pricing", "Read FAQ", or "View Testimonials".

  • Use the "Quick Reply" widget to create interactive buttons that users can click to navigate through the flow.

3. Branching Paths and Conditional Logic:

  • Based on the user's selection, create branching paths that deliver relevant information.

  • Utilize ManyChat's conditional logic features to send users down different paths based on their responses.

  • For instance, if a user clicks "See Pricing", you can display a message with the pricing details and a "Buy Now" button.

  • If they click "Read FAQ", you can present a series of common questions and answers.

  • Use the "Delay" widget to add natural pauses between messages, simulating a real conversation.

4. Leveraging the AI Feature:

  • ManyChat's AI feature allows you to automate responses to common user questions or inquiries.

  • Create a list of frequently asked questions and provide corresponding answers.

  • The AI will analyze user messages and match them with the most relevant response.

  • This helps streamline customer support and ensures timely and accurate information delivery.

  • Continuously monitor and update your AI responses based on actual user interactions.

5. Collecting User Information:

  • Throughout the flow, you can gather valuable user information using the "User Input" widget.

  • Ask users for their name, email address, preferences, or any other relevant details.

  • Use this information to personalize future interactions and tailor your marketing efforts.

  • Make sure to clearly communicate how the information will be used and provide an opt-out option.

Part 4: Generating Leads with Email Opt-ins

1. Creating an Irresistible Lead Magnet:

  • To incentivize users to provide their email address, develop a high-value lead magnet.

  • This could be an ebook, whitepaper, video course, discount code, or any other resource that solves a problem or addresses a pain point for your target audience.

  • Ensure that the lead magnet is directly relevant to your niche and aligns with your overall marketing goals.

  • Invest time and effort into creating a quality resource that showcases your expertise and provides genuine value.

2. Setting Up the Opt-In Flow:

  • Create a new flow in ManyChat specifically for email opt-ins.

  • Craft an engaging message that introduces your lead magnet and highlights its benefits.

  • Use the "User Input" widget to collect the user's email address.

  • Configure the widget to recognize and validate email formats to avoid invalid submissions.

  • Provide a clear call-to-action button, such as "Send Me the Guide", to initiate the opt-in process.

3. Delivering the Lead Magnet:

  • Once the user provides their email address, send them an automated message with a link to access the lead magnet.

  • Ensure that the delivery process is seamless and user-friendly.

  • If the lead magnet is a downloadable file, host it on a reliable platform and test the download link thoroughly.

  • If it's a video course or online resource, provide clear instructions on how to access it.

  • Consider using a service like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Amazon S3 to store and distribute your lead magnets.

4. Integrating with Your Email Marketing Platform:

  • To fully leverage the power of email marketing, integrate ManyChat with your email marketing platform of choice.

  • Popular options include Mailchimp, ConvertKit, AWeber, and ActiveCampaign.

  • ManyChat offers native integrations with several platforms, allowing you to automatically sync new leads and trigger email sequences.

  • Follow the integration instructions provided by ManyChat and your email marketing platform to establish a seamless connection.

  • Regularly verify that new leads are being successfully added to your email list and tagged appropriately.

5. Nurturing Leads with Email Sequences:

  • Once a lead is added to your email list, it's crucial to nurture the relationship and guide them towards a purchase or desired action.

  • Develop a series of automated email sequences that provide value, build trust, and address common objections.

  • Begin with a welcome sequence that thanks the lead for opting in and sets expectations for future communications.

  • Gradually introduce your products or services, showcasing their benefits and unique selling points.

  • Incorporate storytelling, case studies, and social proof to establish credibility and demonstrate the impact of your offerings.

  • Segment your email list based on user preferences, behavior, or demographics to deliver targeted and relevant content.

  • Continuously monitor email metrics, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, to optimize your sequences over time.

Part 5: ManyChat Best Practices

1. Prioritizing Transparency and Trust:

  • Always be transparent about the fact that users are interacting with an automated chatbot.

  • Avoid attempting to deceive users into thinking they are having a conversation with a real person.

  • Use language that clearly indicates the messages are automated, such as "Our chatbot will now assist you" or "Automated message:".

  • Provide an option for users to speak with a human representative if needed, and ensure a seamless handoff process.

  • Respect user privacy and obtain explicit consent before collecting or using personal information.

2. Crafting Concise and Engaging Messages:

  • Keep your chatbot messages short, concise, and to the point.

  • Break up longer information into multiple shorter messages to improve readability and engagement.

  • Use a conversational and friendly tone that aligns with your brand voice.

  • Incorporate emojis, images, or GIFs to add personality and visual appeal to your messages.

  • Focus on delivering value and solving user problems rather than solely promoting your products or services.

3. Simplifying Complex Flows:

  • When creating intricate flows with multiple branching paths, prioritize simplicity and clarity.

  • Avoid overwhelming users with too many options or decision points.

  • Use clear and descriptive button labels that accurately reflect the next step in the journey.

  • Provide a logical and intuitive flow structure that guides users towards their desired outcome.

  • Regularly test and iterate on your flows to identify and eliminate any points of confusion or friction.

4. Offering Human Interaction and Opt-out Options:

  • While chatbots are incredibly useful, some users may prefer to interact with a human representative.

  • Include an option within your flows for users to request human assistance.

  • Clearly communicate the expected response time and provide a seamless transition to your customer support team.

  • Respect user preferences and allow them to easily opt out of receiving automated messages.

  • Include an unsubscribe button or keyword that users can use to stop receiving messages from your chatbot.

  • Honor opt-out requests promptly and ensure that users are removed from your distribution lists.

5. Monitoring and Analyzing Performance:

  • Regularly monitor the performance of your ManyChat flows and analyze key metrics.

  • Track metrics such as engagement rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, and user satisfaction.

  • Use ManyChat's built-in analytics dashboard to gain insights into user behavior and identify areas for improvement.

  • Monitor user feedback and proactively address any issues or concerns that arise.

  • Continuously optimize your flows based on data-driven insights and user feedback.

  • Stay updated with ManyChat's latest features and best practices to ensure you're leveraging the platform to its fullest potential.


ManyChat is a game-changing platform that empowers businesses to automate and scale their lead generation and engagement efforts on Instagram and beyond.

By implementing the strategies and best practices outlined in this guide, you can create personalized, interactive experiences that captivate your audience and drive meaningful results.

Remember, success with ManyChat requires a commitment to continuous learning, testing, and optimization.

Start with simple flows and gradually expand your automations as you gain confidence and insights.

Always prioritize the user experience and strive to deliver genuine value at every touchpoint.

As you harness the power of ManyChat, you'll be able to nurture leads, build lasting relationships, and grow your business on autopilot.

The possibilities are endless, and the potential for impact is immense.

So dive in, experiment, and unlock the full potential of automated engagement.

Your audience is waiting to connect with you in new and exciting ways.

Happy chatting!

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