These Hooks Will Double Your Engagement Rate

(and earn you more exposure outside of your audience!)

It doesn’t matter how valuable your content is, if it doesn’t stop the scroll FIRST.

You can’t increase your post reach if your hooks aren’t selling the content.

The process of someone actually engaging with your content is a lot more complex than we think.

Every step in the user content consumption process is something you need to take into account.

Let’s review:

Step 1: The high-quality image or video captures the user’s attention.

Step 2: The initial scroll break occurs.

Step 3: The hook entices users to look with intention at your content.

Step 4: The user commits to the scroll break and consumes your content.

Step 5: The value in your content inspires the user to like, comment, save, and share.

Important Note: Sometimes Step 1 and Step 3 are interchangeable, depending on the layout of your creative and the pace of your cuts in a video.

Hooks matter.

You want to double your engagement?

Develop better hooks that speak to your niche.

Whether you are trying to get people to read your carousels or watch your reels, you first need to be able to hold their attention for at least 3 seconds, even before you share your value.

The easiest and most effective way to increase your engagement rate is to make wise consumer psychology-based word choices.

Let’s dive into the four most effective types of hooks you can use on any platform today:

#1 Negative Hooks

Using a statement that has a negative connotation is very effective across all social platforms.

You can easily create an effective negative hook by analyzing statements and overarching beliefs within your niche and flipping them upside down.

For Example:

  • Stop shopping here

  • Don’t do cardio

  • Avoid adding this to your meal prep

  • Never eat this if you’re serious about weight loss

  • Quit wearing your shirts like this

The highest-performing negative trigger words on social media are:

  • Don’t

  • Stop

  • Avoid

  • Never

  • Mistake

  • Quit

Try these in your next posts!

#2 Result-Based Hooks

These are your “how to” statements that focus on the benefits and outcomes your audience wants the most.


  • 2x your muscle mass with this tip

  • 3 tips to replace your 9-5 income with real estate investing

  • How to make 5 delicious vegan meals in less than 20 mins

  • Do this if you want to feel more confident on dates

  • The secret to writing your own book that sells

The highest-performing result-based trigger words on social media are:

  • How to

  • The secret to

  • X tips To

  • Best strategy

  • Best tip

  • Do this to

  • How you

Try these in your next posts!

#3 Personal Result Hooks

This strategy humanizes the pitch. By placing yourself in the hook, you build a connection with your audience that says, “this is what I have done, if you copy me, you can achieve the same results.”


  • I did this to lose 20 pounds in 17 days

  • How I built a $20,000 earning side hustle in 30 days

  • I got 5 clients from this one email

  • Steal my veggie smoothie recipe that my 3-year-old devours

  • Copy my weekly content routine that only requires 20 minutes of work a day

  • Tips I used to get a new summer wardrobe for under $200

The highest performing personal result-based trigger words on social media are:

  • How I

  • I got

  • I did

  • Copy my

  • Steal my

  • Tips I used to

Try these in your next posts!

#4 Controversial Hooks

These hooks spark comments and always go against the grain of the norm. This is where you say something nobody would expect or challenge widely accepted advice within your niche.

If you use this tactic, make sure you can back it up with personal examples and evidence to support your viewpoint.


  • Running is hurting your weight loss

  • Why meditation is a waste of time

  • You shouldn’t sleep 8 hours a day.

  • Why I will never post on TikTok

The highest-performing controversial trigger words on social media are:

  • Why I…

  • You shouldn’t…

  • Why I don’t…

  • Why I will never…

  • Don’t do…

  • I stopped…

  • You need…

  • Why X

  • ….. Is hurting your ……..

Try these in your next posts!

Final Thoughts

As we wrap up, remember that the art of capturing attention is pivotal in this rapidly changing social landscape.

Engaging hooks aren't just fancy additions to your content but the lifeblood that will double, or even triple, your engagement rates.

The power to stop the scroll and captivate your audience lies in your hands.

It's not just about creating valuable content anymore; it's about selling that content in the most compelling way possible.

So, redefine your strategy, infuse your posts with tantalizing hooks, and watch your engagement rates soar.

In the end, it's the hooks that reel in the audience. Keep that line taut and strong, and you'll never fail to catch your readers' attention.

Happy hooking!