Ending burnout-fatigue cycles as a creator

The hustle has never been stronger. We’re living in a world of hyper-productivity to keep up, now with A.I that can create content and re-purpose that for us it adds another layer to “keep up” and keep producing.

This relentless grind can feel like it’s burning the hell out of you, and when that happens we feel disconnected…

From our business

From our purpose

From our ourselves

And hopefully we don’t reach a level where we want to just “burn it all down”

If you’ve ever had those thoughts, know that it’s not you, it’s the burnout symptoms talking and there are 3 stages of burnout:


this is where your body begins to over produce ‘stress hormones’ (like cortisol & adrenaline), like when you’re back to back with meetings, faced with project deadlines or your endless to-do list…


this is what happens when you ignore the stress. Your body continues to pump out the resources & hormones to keep you going and handling the stress. You feel like you’re living in fight-or-flight, maybe you’re feeling wired but on the inside you’re damn tired..


Your body can’t keep up anymore and starts to hold back on energy hormones, leaving you no choice but to slow down and rest.

And based on where you’re at in these stages means you’ve burnt out all the ‘feel good’ hormones that actually keep you going.

The KEY to beating burnout for good is learning how to deal with each phase (and there’s a plug & play health protocol for each)

I’m on a mission to help entrepreneurs & digital creators end the limits of burnout. That’s why I’ve partnered with my friend, burnout expert & Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Sahar Tabrizi to teach YOU the tools you need to finally beat burnout in RECHARGE: a free 3-day bootcamp.

This bootcamp will teach you how to map out exactly which burnout phase you’re in… as well as teach you time-leveraged health strategies on staying energized & high-performing.

Having worked with Dr. Sahar Tabrizi myself before, I will say this:

It’s not going to be one of those fluffy webinars where you’re just talked at. It’s going to be a hands-on workshop experience where over the 3 days you will acquire the tools you need to succeed in your health.

Things like:

>> goal setting & mindset hacks to stay consistent with your health (without sacrificing your busy schedule!)

>> harnessing the power of your hormones as female & getting them working in your favour so that you have limitless mental clarity, energy & an effortlessly fit body

>> mastering your stress cycles so that you can conquer stress & overwhelm - WITHOUT cutting down on the work or projects you love!

If you want to join myself, Dr. Sahar Tabrizi, and other health & success-driven women → join us HERE.