How to Become a Paid Travel Influencer + Free Airbnb Stays💰

Dreaming about your next adventure and hoping to transform your passion into a income? The life of a travel influencer seems too good to be true, right?

Hopping from one exotic locale to the next, sipping on cocktails with your toes in the sand, all while getting paid to do so... Ah, pure bliss!

Well, hold your horses! Becoming a paid travel influencer is no cakewalk.

But don't worry, in this post, I'm going to give you a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to becoming a paid travel influencer.

1. Find Your Unique Angle

The first step on this exciting journey is finding your unique angle. There are countless travel influencers out there, so what makes you different?

Why should people follow you instead of others?

Perhaps you focus on eco-friendly travel, luxury resorts, budget backpacking, or gastronomic adventures.

Remember, your niche isn't just 'travel'—it's something within travel that sets you apart.

Research potential niches, identify gaps in the market, and choose something you are genuinely passionate about and build your travel brand around that.

Be consistent in presenting to the world this your brand.

2. Make a Target List and Do Your Homework

You’ll need to create a list of potential hotels you’d like to work with.

When choosing these, consider factors like the hotel's brand image, their target audience, location, and amenities.

Conduct thorough research about each property to understand their ethos and what they might look for in a partnership.

3. Master the Art of Storytelling

To captivate your audience, you need to be an ace storyteller.

Don't just post a picture of a sunset—tell us how it felt watching it, the locals you met, or the delicious food you ate.

Your followers aren't just there for the pretty pictures and videos; they're there for the journey.

Make it immersive, make it evocative, and make it worth their while.

4. Cultivate Authentic Engagement

Social media platforms love engagement—likes, comments, shares, saves, you name it.

But more than the algorithm, authentic engagement builds a community around your brand.

Respond to comments, DMs, and emails. Ask questions in your captions or conduct polls in your stories.

Show your followers that you value their interaction—it goes a long way!

5. Develop a Professional Media Kit

Your media kit is like your resume—but too many influencers mess up and create a media kit that looks exactly like a boring resume.

In my app, I share exactly why 95% of media kits don’t land the deal and how to fix it.

I provide you with a blueprint and template that are reflective of what attracts brands today.

👉Click HERE for private app download link 👈 Get the free download link here; the offer expires on August 31, 2023.

Your media kit, aka your portfolio, should succinctly show who you are, what you do, your stats (followers, engagement rate, demographics), past collaborations, and what you can offer with the pricing.

A well-put-together media kit shows you’re serious and professional, which will make hotels more likely to want to work with you.

6. Craft a Personalized Pitch & Proposal

Now it's time to reach out to the hotels.

Reach out to brands that align with your niche, or consider joining influencer marketing platforms where brands can find you, and VRBO have active paid partnership opportunities.

Just click those links to sign up and they will reach out to you if they feel you are a good fit.

Craft a personalized pitch for each hotel, demonstrating that you've done your research and explaining why a collaboration would be beneficial for them.

Also, make it clear that you are open to different forms of partnerships, such as sponsored stays, paid posts, or a combination of both.

I provide money-earning hotel partnership templates in our new app. Get the free download link below.

👉Click HERE for private app download link 👈 Get the free download link here; the offer expires on August 31, 2023.

Then, when they respond, you want to follow up with an impressive proposal outlining your services and cost, and don’t worry, I’ve shared a complete and thorough template for that too in our new app.

7. Be Transparent and Follow Guidelines

If a hotel agrees to a paid collaboration, make sure to follow FTC guidelines and be transparent about your partnership.

This means you should disclose in your posts that you're being paid for the promotion.

Transparency is key in maintaining trust.

8. Networking and Collaboration

The next step is to network and collaborate with others in your field. Connect with fellow travel influencers, participate in online communities, attend travel conferences, and collaborate on projects.

This helps widen your reach and also builds relationships that can lead to exciting opportunities down the line, like being paid to host your own trip in an exotic location for your followers!

9. Monetizing Your Influence

Finally, the part you've been waiting for—how to make money! There are several avenues to explore: sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, paid partnerships, creating your own products or services (like travel guides or consulting), or even Patreon for exclusive content.

However, ensure that any monetization method aligns with your brand and maintains the trust you've built with your audience.

10. Always Deliver More Than Promised

Once you’ve secured the partnership, your job is to exceed expectations. Deliver more than what was agreed upon, whether that's additional posts, behind-the-scenes content, or stunning photography.

This not only secures a potential long-term relationship with the hotel but also makes your profile attractive to other potential partners.

While this might seem like a lot, remember that being a paid travel influencer is a journey, not a destination.

Take one step at a time, celebrate your milestones, and remember to enjoy the ride.

You're on your way to a successful partnership with hotels.

Remember, your reputation is crucial in this business, so always maintain professionalism, deliver quality work, and be a joy to work with.

Just Getting Started? Land Free Airbnb Stays 🏡

While Airbnbs may not have the same kind of marketing budget as large hotels or resorts, many hosts appreciate the value of exposure, quality content and are willing to collaborate.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to partner with Airbnb hosts for free stays in exchange for promoting their units (psst, I used this exact method to get a free 28-day stay in Palm Springs)

1. Identify Potential Partners

Start by scouring Airbnb listings in your target destination. Look for hosts who have unique properties, excellent reviews, and a decent number of bookings.

They should also align with your niche—whether that's luxury villas, quirky apartments, or eco-friendly stays.

Make note of rentals that specifically mention their social channels in their about section.

Never pitch a free stay within the Airbnb app, take that to Instagram DMs.

2. Craft a Professional Proposal

Once you've shortlisted potential hosts, it's time to reach out. Remember, you're essentially cold-calling these hosts, so you need to make a stellar first impression.

Craft a professional yet friendly DM pitch.

I share Airbnb-specific pitch templates in my new app - you can get the free download link here.

👉Click HERE for private app download link 👈 Get the free download link here; the offer expires on August 31, 2023.

I actually used this pitch myself and landed a free 28-day stay in Palm Springs at the end of summer because of it, I’m by no means a travel influencer, but I do enjoy traveling and sharing my experience with my audience.

The key to a winning pitch is to highlight who you are, what you do, and your social media stats.

Explain why you're interested in their property, and how you think a partnership could benefit them. Be specific—mention your reach, engagement rate, and audience demographics.

Then, once they have responded with interest, you share your proposal.

I used the 6-Figure Brand Partnership Template for my free stay.

This baby lands deals.

You can access it and copy it directly in my new app too!

3. Outline the Benefits for the Host

This is where you need to sell your services. Make it clear what's in it for the host.

You could offer to create high-quality content (photos, videos, blog posts), promote their property to your followers, write a detailed review, or even offer to improve their Airbnb listing with your content.

4. Be Clear About Expectations

Transparency is crucial to maintaining a positive relationship with your host.

Be clear about what you expect (e.g., a free stay for a certain number of nights) and what you'll provide in return (e.g., a dedicated Instagram post, a blog review, etc.).

5. Follow Through on Your Promises

Once you've secured your collaboration, ensure you deliver everything you promised.

Not only will this maintain your professional reputation, but it might also lead to word-of-mouth referrals to other hosts.

6. Keep Communication Open

After your stay, thank the host and share the content you've created. Maintain the relationship for potential future collaborations or referrals.

Remember, your reputation in the creator community is crucial, so always be professional, respectful, and deliver on your promises.

This strategy can be a win-win situation for both parties—the host gets quality promotion and you receive free accommodation.

However, always remember to disclose to your followers when you've stayed somewhere for free as per FTC guidelines.

Ultimately, the key to securing successful collaborations is proving your value to potential partners and conducting yourself in a professional manner.

Being a travel influencer isn't about quick success—it's about building an authentic brand, sharing your passion, and connecting with a community.

So pack your bags, rev up that wanderlust, and get ready to take your audience on an unforgettable journey!

Safe travels, creators! ✈️