How to become a creator that never stops growing 📈💰

If you're reading this, you're likely a creator of some sort or have aspirations to be one.

You could be crafting videos on YouTube, curating stunning Instagram feeds, producing exciting TikToks, or even developing engaging podcasts.

Regardless of your platform, the core of creation remains the same: it's all about storytelling, engaging audiences, and carving out your unique niche in the content world.

The key to your long-term success?

Becoming a creator who is continually evolving and growing.

Today, we're going to dive into how you can become that sort of creator.

The type who grows their brand and income with every post, every comment, every like, and every share.

The type who becomes better with each passing day.

Step 1: Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Your mindset is the foundation upon which everything else is built.

Embrace a growth mindset, a concept popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck, which promotes the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work.

Look at failure as a teacher, not an enemy.

Every time something doesn't go your way, view it as a chance to learn and improve.

Remember, ‘Squid Game’ was rejected 10 times before it found a home with Netflix and became a household name.

Embrace challenges, persist through obstacles, and learn from criticism.

Step 2: Seek Constant Learning

There's a saying that goes, "The more you learn, the more you realize how much you don't know."

This couldn't be more accurate for content creators.

With ever-evolving algorithms and trends, there's always something new to master.

Never mistake your experience for complete mastery.

Read books, attend webinars, download apps, participate in workshops, listen to podcasts, or simply study other creators' work.

Never stop investing in yourself and your knowledge.

Keep your eyes open for the latest trends and techniques, and don't be afraid to incorporate them into your content.

Step 3: Embrace Experimentation

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable!

Experimentation is the lifeblood of content creation.

Sure, consistency is important, but don't get stuck doing the same thing because it worked once.

Try different content formats, storytelling techniques, or explore new platforms.

Measure the success of your experiments through data, feedback, not just a gut feeling.

Remember, it's okay if something doesn't work; it's all part of the learning process.

Step 4: Build a Supportive Network

Even the most independent creators need a community.

Whether it's fellow creators, mentors, or engaged followers, a supportive network can be a rich source of feedback, inspiration, and strength.

Engage with your audience regularly.

Ask for their opinions, share behind-the-scenes snippets, and show them you value their input.

Join online forums, attend meet-ups or lives, and actively participate in discussions.

Build relationships based on mutual growth and learning.

Step 5: Prioritize Self-care

Second to last, and perhaps most importantly, don't neglect your well-being.

Burnout is a real risk in the life of a creator.

Your creative well-being is tied to your physical and mental health.

Prioritize self-care.

Take breaks, get enough sleep, eat healthily, and engage in activities that relax and rejuvenate you.

It's tempting to be always "on," to continually produce and promote, especially when your audience is always waiting for more.

But remember, the best way to maintain your creative spark is by taking care of yourself.

You can't pour from an empty cup.

Step 6: Invest in outside support to reach your goals faster

If outside support can help you reach your goals faster without compromising your values, community, or commitments, do it.

It’s a no-brainer.

Investing in career support and education is like a warp-speed ticket to your goals.

It's like taking the express train instead of the local—it gets you where you want to be, faster.

The right educational tool can equip you with insider strategies, skills, and insights.

These are shortcuts that slice through trial-and-error chaos, propelling you straight towards growth and success.

Remember, growth is a journey, not a destination.

The aim is not just learning for learning's sake, but learning to earn, learning to grow.

Growth, no matter what you do, might be a bumpy ride at times, but trust me, it's worth every bit of the effort.

Stay curious, stay creative.

Rooting for ya,


P.S. I do my best to give away everything that I can for free to creators. When you're ready to actually do it, here are three ways to work closer with me:

  1. Download my new engagement and partnership strategy app for creators. This is your pocket trainer for accelerating your growth and earnings as a creator. I lay out every single detail required to produce content your audience actually likes and brands will pay you for today. The app is powered by AI voices and results from my experience working with and interviewing thousands of creators and influencers who are consistently making $3,000/mo + a month or more. It’s a huge, user-friendly how-to-do-everything database and guide.

    Basically, I wanted to make high-ticket learning accessible to everyone and allow you to learn on the go (listen while you scroll and implement on the go), not be stuck at your laptop on the weekends watching training videos. It’s much more creator-friendly than courses. Give me 15 minutes a day, and I will give you the plan to a 6-figure influencer or UGC creator career you love. You will know exactly what content to produce and HOW to do it, what to say to brands, and what brand content produces $3K+ a month PER DEAL. You are 15 minutes a day away from having the plan to a real freedom career.

    You can read all about what the app covers by clicking the link above and see if it’s a good fit for where you’re at. Is it different from my book? It’s much more detailed. How is it different from my academy? It’s so much more thorough and does a better job of explaining the small details required to create content that consistently earns high engagement and everything you need to land deals today (lots have changed). Due to our AI integrations, it's able to speak to trends as they happen, giving you the most up-to-date learning on the market and a whole lot more.

  2. Grab my book, The Micro-Influencer’s Brand Partnership Bible. If you’re looking for a solid foundation on how to get started as an influencer, grab my Amazon bestseller. This is the playbook to building a micro-influencer career from nothing. You will know exactly how to start and how to build a brand that brands notice.